Monday, April 2, 2012

Bacteria Backpacks

Whoo, doggy!  I'm always intrigued by the crazy things medical science comes up with when it comes to pharmacology.  The breadth of drugs, the diversity of their manufacture (traditional, biologics), and now their dosage medium.

According to an article I found from Kurzweil, scientists are trying to use bacteria for delivering nanomedications inside the body!  That means more targeted drug treatment with less side effects.  The caveat is that they sound very difficult to produce.  Just the idea of tying loaded beads with nano-wires boggles the mind.  It is certainly not something that can self-replicate. And scientists might have a tough time getting something like this shelf stable.

But I love the idea of tying bacteria up with nano-wires.  Nano-wires could be the next Spider-man-web-like material.  Maybe using these wires is the way to secure nano-level electronics?  I'm sure there will also be frivolous uses of such technology, such as individually branding a bacteria for carrier purposes.

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