Friday, May 18, 2012


Challenges in Business

There are many different definitions of challenges, and it is amazing how many apply to business.  In my mind, it is the single most important word you can have in your vocabulary when dealing with business.  First, it is:

A test of one's abilities or resources in a demanding but stimulating undertaking

Welcome to a job that offers a challenge!  The zest of a tough fight, well fought!  It is exhilarating and energizing.  It reminds you of your own strength and the power of your will.  And the definition above is certainly descriptive of today's business arena.  With improved efficiency, large corporations, and cost-cutting, you may be challenged every day to keep yourself employed and the company on the track to success.  For some, it is more... It's: 

A call to engage in a contest, fight, or competition

Business challenges you to succeed.  It beckons you with the promise of the fun you can have testing your skills.  That test of skills can be decided, with a winner and a loser.  And best of all, it doesn't have to be decided by you!  The market will act as the referee and you can really bare you teeth.  And you'll need everyone behind you, so challenge is also: 

To summon to action, effort, or use; stimulate

Challenge your people to do their best work, and you will likely get it.  People revel in the knowledge that they can do something great, and are united in the cause to do something great.  Make sure they don't let the stimulus slip.  Keep pushing, and your company will grow big and strong.  You'll be a challenger!

One who competes against the holder of a title or championship

Personal motivation, leadership, management advice, goal - Challenge is a huge part of business.  Remember that as you lament the difficulty of your job.  And also as you seek to improve it.  

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