Friday, May 11, 2012

Your Workspace

I'm sorry for the lapse, all.  I have a strategy for not letting that happen again.  ><

Now, on to something truly important to a businessperson - the office.  Your office is any work space that belongs to you.  It can be a traditional four-walls-and-a-door office, a cubicle, a desk sitting in the warehouse, or a room in your home.  The key is that it is yours.  You spend your time there, it reflects on you as a person, and you should make sure others perceive what you want them to.  Below I've given you some tips on how to furnish your office to best effect.  

Keep your office tidy

No one likes to be neck-deep in unfiled papers and folders.  For many, it makes it more difficult to get work done because things are getting misplaced.  Or, if you're naturally untidy, it means that four months from now a coworker is going to ask for a report from today, and you'll have to dig through three inches of papers to find it.  But more importantly, people perceive a tidy desk as indicative of a tidy mind.  When your office is organized, people believe you are as well.  It doesn't take much time to maintain, once you've done it, so make it a regular part of your end-of-day routine.  

Picture say 1000 words... about you!

The pictures, paintings, photos, printouts, etc. of your office will tell people a lot about what you value.  If you have an entire wall covered in pictures of heavy metal bands from the 80's, you won't get much respect.  On the other hand, if you cover the entire office area with work memorabilia, charts, and graphs, people will think you have no life outside work.  You want a balance represented in your office.  Consider adding a few photos of your family or friends.  A couple nice prints of your favorite painting are good conversation pieces and make the walls less bare.  My personal favorite is to dedicate one wall to drawings of important concepts.  A mix like that will show both your professional and personal side, while still remaining modest.  

Furniture Arrangement as Personal Feng Shui

The furniture in your office may be nailed to the floor or otherwise immovable.  But there are things you can change to suit your self.  Putting the couple chairs far away from your desk suggests you welcome visitors.  A potted plant can make the place warmer with its life.  And if you can move your furniture around, all the better! Then visitors can see how independent and creative you can be with your space.  And how strongly you can exert your sense of control!  

Room use sends a message, too!

So far I've talked about how you set up and decorate your office.  But you also have to think how you'll use it. If you are always busy with individual work and can't (don't like to be) bothered, you can keep your door closed and/or turn you desk to face away from the door.  If you like to have everything printed out and at your fingertips, your desk may be completely full (but still tidy!).  If you want to have lots of visitors, put a candy dish just inside your door - everyone will stop to say hello and eat M&Ms.  

Just as your appearance says volumes, so does your work space.  A person's office is their sanctuary and their fortress, providing a safe anchor spot at work.  Treat it as if it is a part of you, and it will reinforce your message with power.  

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