Friday, June 15, 2012

Why NOT to use business jargon

Jargon, basically, is a set of words used primarily by specialists for discussing a specific field of study.  Jargon is supposed to be made up of words that have very specific meanings to define exactly what you are trying to say.  But business jargon is often meant to confuse and mislead.

Bad reasons to use jargon

  1. To sound smarter.
  2. To cover that they don't know a better word.  
  3. To make other people feel stupid.   
  4. To fit into a group.
  5. To evade difficult topics.
Why they're all terrible reasons

Because none of them is the reason jargon exists - to make things clearer!  Each of the reasons above is hiding truth for different reasons.  In one case, it is a weapon, in another a shield, and in another a white flag. Thankfully, I can keep using those metaphors because their use is too wide spread for them to become jargon.  

Words to Avoid

You can find a good list here.  Or here.  Or here.  Or any number of other places on the internet.  Personally, I despise the phrase touch base.  I think it has something to do with my dislike of baseball, though I'm not even sure that's where it comes from.  It gets more difficult when you try to avoid words that you learned had specific meanings, like I did in grad school, but don't have perfect synonyms.  ><

What you should say instead

Say Exactly What You Mean!!!  That's not so hard.  Putting your thoughts into easily understood sentences was something we learned before we entered junior high school.  Then, in the years of schooling since, we learned to be indirect when writing.  I, and everyone else, appreciates it when you say things succinctly and clearly.

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