Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dose of Skepticism

Everyone knows that it is important to be skeptical to keep yourself from believing theories which don't fit with the facts of the world.  I'm not telling you to completely divorce yourself from the idea of religion, life after death, and other important metaphysical questions.  I'm suggesting that you don't fall for things like this bird-wing hoax.

In the elaborate hoax they pulled, they had videos, fake articles in media, website - the whole nine yards.  In fact, I was initially taken in, because it was such a cool idea that I wanted it to be true.  I'm so glad I wasn't the editor of some news outlet that picked it up, because they must have egg on their faces for not fact checking.

I'm glad they did this.  It pokes fun at the media who blindly accepted what they heard on the internet and it shines a light onto what could be a different part of our gullibility.  I thought my blind spots were pretty well covered, but this one just went right past my bull s*** detector.  It reminded me in a hilarious way that I can't accept everything I read on the internet.  Thank you, science pranksters!

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