Friday, February 17, 2012

S(CAMPER) attempt for Tissues

The S in the SCAMPER acronym stands for Substitute.  It asks you to look at your product innovation and try identify what you can substitute in the product makeup that would make it an innovative product.  I've found a list of questions to ask at this website, and am going to post here what I've come up with.  I'm going to try to use the S to come up with some ideas for how to change facial tissue.

Let's see.  Repackage the box as oval from cube for aesthetics.  I could have tissues be a stand in for building blocks.  That could be a way to get more schools buying boxes, if they could double as building or stacking boxes when empty.  Maybe they could be a stand-in for temporary storage.  Have removable covers to protect against the elements.  Redesign the package so it can fit into different types of spaces.  Engineer it so it fits in a standard container, then sell refills?  Change the name from facial tissues to clean cloths, and make them way more durable.  Put antibacterial agents on them to protect against infection.  As part of the advertising campaign, you could crowd-source a new name.  Is there some way to disassociate them from colds and the sniffles?  Associate them with feeling better and relief - almost a medical bent.  I feel most tissues are focused on preventing embarrassment for having a runny nose.  

Feelings: Two things jump out at me while using SCAMPER.  First, these are great at sparking ideas.  I got a lot of leads that I likely wouldn't have without the suggestive questions and lateral thinking directive.  The other is that once you get a few ideas, the boundaries of a given letter may make some people uncomfortable in voicing new ideas.  It took me a few minutes of consideration before I allowed myself to run with some ideas up there.  Trying to force my thought process into areas dictated by "Substitute" wouldn't have worked well for creative thinking.

Do you have anything that's been bothering you that you want to Substitute out to make it better?  Product or Process here.  :)

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